Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Update & Article

In trying to better understand the blogging world, I have been taking a break to learn and collect information on how to improve my writing and blogging efforts. I am thinking about starting over in a sense, and I am also looking at the benefits of wordpress in comparison to blogger.  I know God has put something on my heart, I want to be accurate, effective, and faithful with how I share it.  Until I get this together, I may be on here only briefly.  For anyone who reads this, please pray that I will hear Him and follow through. Thank you!  Here is the last article I wrote for a local column.  Hope it blesses you!

Mother ‘May’ I?

Do you remember that childhood game, Mother May I? One lucky individual got to be the caller, ‘Mother’, and keeper of the privileged porch position, while all of the other kids asked from the sidewalk for precious steps to come near to her. They’d inquire, “Mother, may I take three steps forward?” ‘Mother’ could say yes or no, or instruct to take one bunny hop forward or three baby steps back. There were all sorts of steps: giant steps, umbrella steps, baby steps, and I recently read that there were Cinderella steps too! Only ‘Mother’ determined everyone’s steps, picked who was next to gain that favored position, and directed at what pace they would attain it.

In a sense, this game is very much like childhood. Depending on the parenting, moms greatly influence how their children will develop in life. Many never know the influence of an actual birth mom but experience childhood with foster/adopted parents. Some never enjoy a ‘mom’ at all. Yet, everyone, no matter how they were parented, has someone influence their childhood and ultimately play a role in how they now live their adult life. Not every mom is a June Cleaver clone. ‘Mom’ could be the elderly neighbor lady that showed you how to sew and cook. ‘Mom’ could be the loving lady at church that followed you as you grew, offering words of wisdom whenever the opportunity was present. ‘Mom’ could be the teacher/coach that invested quality time, effort, and sacrifice to see you succeed. ‘Mom’ could be the grandma that took over. ‘Mom’ could be Dad! ‘Moms’ are those that gently and lovingly came along side of you to help you through life as a child, adolescent and an adult. They were there even when you were not obedient, lovable, or receptive. Think of the ‘Mom’ in your life… now wait, that thought right there, the one that just warmed your heart- what did your ‘Mom’ do that let you know you were genuinely thought about and loved?

I have to tell you about my mom…


May I keep toys to myself, never offering to share?
NO you may not, you better not dare!

May I steal this candy, and pay for it another day?
NO you may not, and your monthly allowance just went away!

May I call my brother names, he called me something bad.
NO you may not, get in that room, I’m getting your dad!


May I wear a short skirt and shirt too tight?
No you may not, unless you want a fight!

May I drive with my friends and stay out late?
NO you may not, and you’ll wait ‘til 40 to date.

May I skip school and try a cigarette?
NO you may not, and I’ll teach you a lesson you’ll never forget.


May I change my major or quit for a while?
NO you may not, this is just a test, a perseverance trial.

May I call off work for no reason at all?
NO you may not; it’s a measure of character, but at this point it’s your call.

May I fight with my husband and just leave when I’m mad?
NO you may not; we believe in commitment, though I’m sorry you’re sad.


May I tell you thank you for all your selfless guidance and love?
Your determination to see me make it is a gift from God above.
May I close with my indebtedness for your life of sacrifice?
You offer me all you are, and for that there is no price.

I truly do not have enough space in this paper to write all that I thank the Lord for when it comes to my mom. He picked her as the one to give birth and raise me, on Sept 16, 1982- and I am so very humbled and thankful that He did.

He could have picked someone that would have abused or abandoned me. He could have picked a teenage girl, who was unwed and claimed virginity, while she displayed a big ol’ baby bump, only able to give birth in an area that housed smelly animals… wait, He reserved that kind of girl to deliver Him… God in flesh, Savior of mankind, and Creator. Could you imagine being a mom like Mary? She birthed the One who created her! Kind of crazy if you think about it. Mary accepted the responsibility of being a mom who would never have final authority over her Son. She would never be able to stop Him once He decided to leave. She would have to suffer immense ridicule from those who thought her Son was weird, crazy, and unstable. Sadly, she would have to painfully watch her Son go through a horrific death and ultimately she would have to trust her own Son to be the Savior of her own life. Mary probably never heard, ‘Mother May I’?

Unfortunately, kids can be unruly and moms can disappoint- Thankfully, there is One who promises that NO MATTER WHAT, when we trust Him, He will always love, protect, comfort and provide more than any earthly mom can. Psalm 68:5 Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God... (Great verses- Psalm 27:10, Job 29:12)

May 8th is Mothers Day.
Let the ‘Mother(s)’ of influence in your life know that they are
appreciated, respected, and loved.

“My Mom Hall of Fame”

Angie Gangale- Compassionate and Giving Grandmother of my husband (and me). Loyal and Loving Mother of two. Always teaching me so much.

Philomena Valley- Selfless and Dedicated Mother of four boys, including my husband (God Bless Her), and always Wonderful to me.

Marcella Butkovic (Late) – Tender and Kindhearted Grandmother of mine. Patient and devoted Mother of six. Taught me much about stick-to-itiveness.

Josie Graceffo- Encouraging and Nurturing Grandmother of mine. Compassionate and enduring Mother of four. (Gram- You will never know how thankful I am for all you do/done for me and our family).

Nancy Butkovic- Amazingly understanding, unselfish and generous Mother of two. I Love You Very Much Mom! I hope you like the poem. Happy Mother’s Day!

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